Hey! 😊
I’m Adeline, Frenchy expatriated in Spain for over 8 years now. Travel junkie, I’ve explored quite a bit of the world over the last 16 years. I’ve even lived in quite a few countries (France, England, Scotland, Poland, Japan and Spain). After having to cut short a backpacking trip around Asia (thanks pandemic!), I decided to find a different way to keep travelling: from my kitchen! I’ve always loved doing eenie meenie miney mo in front of a menu because I have no clue what anything means. You can always google a recipe, but only if you know it exists! That’s the idea behind Drifting Baker comes from. In this blog I gather recipes from different parts of the world. Any dish, from anywhere! So, if you like cooking, and especially if you LOVE eating, then this is the blog for you! 😊